
Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn toys to appear in Shazam

Shazam is currently being filmed at a mall in Toronto and set photos have begun to trickle in. One of these photos seems to have caught the manner in which several superheroes such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman will cameo in the movie – as toys. The set photos and info arrive thanks to Pop Culture News site PotBellyGamers who tweeted them with a brief description.

The toy shop is named Treasure Time Toys and features a big action sequence in which Billy Baxton suits up in costume as Shazam. Shazam is indeed one of the more unique superheroes; a kid in reality, he calls upon the mantle of Shazam to suit up as the fully adult caped crime fighter. With that background, it makes sense for a pivotal sequence to be set around a toy shop. This could very well be Baxton’s first time suiting up in the movie.

The Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman toys can be seen in the photo zooming in. What’s curious is the presence of a Harley Quinn toy; it’s strange for a serial killer to have a toy in the world inhabiting DC heroes. Then again, Harley Quinn toys do exist in the real world so perhaps it’s not that much of a stretch to imagine. Also, the DC universe is a twisted place so perhaps the toy makers there are more keen on profits than on morals.

Earlier last week, a fan caught a glimpse of Shazam in costume on the set prompting speculation that Warner Bros. would release an official picture shortly. While that hasn’t happened yet, we sure hope more such photos keep making their way online. Set photos are a good way to whet the appetite of fans if clicked rightly without giving too much away.