
HBO releases photos and stills for Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2

With a shortened Season, it appears HBO is treating every episode like its own mini movie as far as promotion goes. To that end, HBO has just released a new batch of stills from the upcoming Season 2 episode Stormborn. Combining these with the short preview and the plot synopsis that was released earlier, we can glean some info about some of the events that will occur in the second episode.

Without further ado, here are the stills.

Samwell Tarly speaks with The Archmaester at The Citadel

Samwell Tarly speaks with The Archmaester at The Citadel

First off, there’s Samwell Tarly with The Archmaester. It looks like Samwell is trying to explain the significance of what he’s found to The Archmaester who seems to be taking a look himself. Either that, or The Archmaester caught Samwell returning the smuggled books back and he’s curious as to what exactly was there in the book.

Jon Snow looks back before departing The North

Jon Snow looks back before departing The North

The next two stills surprisingly mirror each other well. We see Jon looking back towards the Northern lands before he sets off for somewhere. Parallel to this, we see Arya looking back in the other direction as well. Are these two the same location? And if so, could this mean Arya and Jon meet? Sounds less likely since last we checked, Arya was headed off to King’s Landing and the North would be the other way round. As for Jon, it looks a lot likely that he’s headed off towards that mountain of Dragonglass towards Dragonstone.

Arya Stark looks back while setting off for King's Landing

Arya Stark looks back while setting off for King’s Landing

Sansa doesn’t seem to happy about it though. Or perhaps there’s something else troubling her in this shot.

Sansa looks worried

Sansa looks worried

Ever the schemer Littlefinger tries to meddle with Jon’s mind here once again. Although we really don’t have much ideas as to what he could be saying to Jon. Perhaps he’s persuading Jon to hand over the reigns to Sansa while he’s gone who Baelish could then manipulate easily in Jon’s absence?

Peter Baelish talks to Jon Snow about something

Peter Baelish talks to Jon Snow about something

Finally, we see Tyrion taking charge of planning the battle, something we speculated could happen after seeing the recently released trailer. The look on Daenerys’ face shows she’s better off entrusting all the planning to Tyrion, listening intently to whatever the guardian of Casterly Rock would have to say.

Tyrion Lannister takes charge in planning the quest for the Iron Throne

Tyrion Lannister takes charge in planning the quest for the Iron Throne

Do you agree or disagree with our thoughts? You have some to add of your own? Let us know in the comments below.

Episode 2 of Game of Thrones Season 7, Stormborn, premieres July 23 at 9:00 PM PDT.