Warner Bros. Releases 4K Trailer For Joss Whedon’s Justice League, Gets Massively Trolled
The trailer has 10 times more dislikes on YouTube.
The trailer has 10 times more dislikes on YouTube.
Snyder acknowledges Marvel’s strengths and the unique viewpoint that he brought to the table.
Zack Snyder is set to film more scenes in the cast, including Ray Fisher who remains embroiled in a dispute with Warner Bros.
True to Snyder’s legacy, the trailer features some great shots.
Get ready for the first Snyder Cut trailer.
Henry Cavill opens up about the ideal of living up to Superman’s image.
The Snyder Cut comes out next year.
It’s not sitting in a vault somewhere, says HBO Max head.
Warner Bros. has agreed to fund and release Zack Snyder’s release of Justice League.
The movement was trending on Twitter after a sudden outpouring of support.
The CEO was removed over sexual harassment allegations.
Here’s a rundown of the trailers we can and cannot expect during Superbowl 2019.
Warner Bros. could air a short spot for the Snyder Cut if the rumor pans out. But how likely is it?
New Stills, Behind The Scenes Images and lots of Prop and Location pics
The storyboard was sketched by Zack Snyder as part of pre-production
The scene with Aflred talking to a caped figure was featured in the comic con trailer for Justice League
His rough cut of the movie was described as “unwatchable” by multiple sources
The scene was most likely directed by Zack Snyder
Warner Bros. undergoes another executive level shakeup intended to simplify things
The Extended Edition was spotted in an Amazon Listing