Maniac Season 1 Review: A Unique Blend Of Intrigue And Craziness
Netflix’s Maniac is experimental in its approach to storytelling
Netflix’s Maniac is experimental in its approach to storytelling
Netflix’s Maniac Season Finale concludes on a mixed note, leaving open the possibility of a Season 2
Owen and Annie return to an interconnected world as the supercomputer refuses to let the test subjects out
Absurdity abounds and intentions are laid out setting the stage for the final hour
When Mafia and Lord of the Rings wind up in the same episode
Maniac brings Sally Field into the fold as an interesting relationship is revealed
The complicated absurd storyline of Maniac begins unraveling itself
Owen and Annie get entangled in a strange experiment
Maniac’s characters are certainly having a bad day in this third episode
Jonah Hill takes a backseat as the second episode focuses on Emma Stone
The Jonah-Hill Emma-Stone Netflix original gets off to a weird start