
Avengers 4 could be a 3 hour movie, suggest Russo Brothers

Avengers: Infinity War isn’t even completely out yet but the Russo Brothers have already gone to work on the fourth Avengers film, untitled Avengers 4. The directors revealed some interesting tidbits from their work on that movie’s cut, expressing a strong desire to do a 3-hour movie should Disney allow it. In a press-junket for Infinity War, the directors confirmed to Collider’s Steve Weintraub they have what is called, an assembly cut of the movie, which is like a precursor to a rough cut. And judging by the looks of it, the cut runs 3 hours long although they stress it’s too early to talk about it or officiate anything. Here’s the exchange from the interview:

Joe: It’s pretty long. I think we’re not saying how long it is because people tend to get really excited.

Anthony: Also we don’t know that you can even properly call it a rough cut because we have been … you know it’s more like an assembly cut.

Joe: It’s our longest rough cut out of the four movies.

On being explicitly asked if they thought Avengers 4 could longer than Infinity War, Joe Russo responded with “I do.” On being further prodded if that run time could mean a 3 hour Avengers 4 or if Disney wouldn’t allow it or that’s off the table, the brothers added.

Joe: I don’t know that there are … 

Anthony: We’ve never put a time mandate … To our credit, we’ve never gotten a time mandate.

Joe: I’ll say it could easily be a 3-hour film. But I think that we’re very hard on the material. We like it to play at a certain pace. I’m sure that we’ll squeeze it.

Anthony: We have a whole year of work left on that movie.

Joe: I do think it’s going to be longer than Avengers 3.

Of course it’s too early to conclude anything as Anthony Russo was repeatedly implying. Joe however seemed quite positive on the chances of a 3-hour, or at least a nearly 3-hour Avengers 4. Regardless, Infinity War is barely out yet. The reactions to that should influence some of the upcoming Avengers 4 re-shoots which in turn could further change plans for that movie’s edit. Also, how audiences respond to a 2 and a half hour Avengers 3 will also shape the Russo Brothers’ plans for locking in an Avengers 4 run time. Collider’s Steve Weintraub also teased the Russos on the movie’s title, trying hard to get a confirmation on whether the real title of Avengers 4 is Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet but the Russos simply played along.

Don’t forget to check out the complete interview through the embedded link below. Also let us know if you’re all in for a 3-hour Avengers movie or if you’d prefer it to be shorter and closer to the 2 hour 30 minute mark.

Avengers: Infinity War is out in theaters today. Avengers 4 arrives a year later on May 3, 2019.