
Captain Marvel Punches Spaceship, Screams At Skrull In New TV Spots

Marvel Studios is rolling in the TV Spots. After giving Captain Marvel her mini-trailers at ESPN and Super Bowl games, the studio premiered two TV Spots in the last few days that offer quite a lot of new footage for fans to devour. The first one titled Connection shows Brie Larson’s superhero screaming at a Skrull, proceeding immediately to give the shapeshifting creature a kick in the pants. If memory serves correctly, this is the exact same sequence that was shown at Brazil’s CCXP last year.

The second spot titled Ready shows Larson’s Captain Marvel punching a spaceship in mid-air. Well, to be honest, the scene is there in the first TV Spot as well if you look closely. There are bits and pieces of new footage in both spots combined, including several looks at Larson smiling and showing a bit more “range” in her acting, something fans have unfairly complained about.

Captain Marvel is still a month away from release and we’ve got quite a decent amount of marketing material flowing in steadily. At this point, I think it’ll turn out to be a huge hit even if these were the last TV Spots that dropped for the movie. Let me know what you think of these spots in the comments below.

Captain Marvel is set for a theatrical release on March 8, 2019. Check out all our coverage of the movie right here on Appocalypse.