Looks like Facebook is not the only one seeking inspiration from Snapchat’s stories. Google is reportedly building Stamp, its own stories inspired rival seeking inspiration from Snap’s Discover feature. It will be based on Google’s own AMP technology and Google is looking at deploying it for distributing news articles on its site.
A new report from The Wall Street Journal is suggesting that Stamp, an amalgamation of Stories and AMP pages could feature Snap’s Discover like carousel and allow publishers to use it to report news in a whole new platform. Stamp will also live inside Google in someway, although seeing as Google mainly returns search results, it’s still unclear as to how that will happen. Big publishing names like CNN, The Vox and The Washington Post have apparently signed on to use the service which could start rolling out as early as in the next week or two, which would mean it’s almost complete.
With this development, Google seems to be combining the best of both worlds from Snap and Facebook. Google is building something using Snap’s stories that could rival Facebook’s news reporting in making news articles interesting to read. With today’s short attention spans, stories is being touted as the next big thing in reporting news and both Google and Facebook could be planning on using it precisely for this purpose. Techcrunch has a feature on this very issue, detailing how these two platforms intend to make full use of stories beyond Snap’s social ambitions. Facebook recently launched stories at yet another platform despite its abysmally low numbers which could hint at Facebook having more interesting plans for stories than its currently letting out on.
With all these changes, we’re in the middle of a mini-revolution of sorts in news reporting and consumption with stories holding the key to changing how news is consumed for the foreseeable future. Things are certainly about to get a whole lot more interesting as we shall see in the next few weeks.