HBO just dropped a new trailer for the latest season of Game of Thrones. Titled Winter Is Here, the trailer once again shows the different pieces of the show coming together for what promises to be one giant battle.

The new trailer for Game of Thrones features some impressive Dragons
Set to an ominous version of the Game of Thrones theme, the trailer opens with Sansa walking ahead in the snow with Peter Baelysh’s words: Don’t fight in the north or the south. Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. It then proceeds to give us several shots of the show’s main players. We see Jon in his direwolf garb, Daenerys, Tyrion and Arya and of course the dragons which not only seem to have grown enormously but look mighty impressive due to, what we’re supposing would be, a massive budget for this season.
Despite showing us glimpses of battle sequences of presumably the Targaryens fighting the Lannisters, the trailer once again very strongly hints at a third threat looming closer, something we had also hinted at previously when the first trailer came out. This is implied more strongly by Jon Snow’s words:
For centuries, our families have fought together. Despite their differences. Together. We need to do the same if we’re going to survive. Cause the threat is real.
Could Jon and Danaerys be brokering peace with Cersei in order to deal with the real threat: the White Walkers? Or is Jon talking to Danaerys here with these words being targeted towards Cersei? Will the war with the White Walkers be shown this season? Also, was Peter Baelysh speaking to Bran with his words about the battle being inside the mind? Are we looking at another mind-bending time-paradox of some sorts here?

Jon Snow is poised to play an important role in Game of Thrones Season 7
The new trailer raises lots of questions with some impressive visuals. If you’re unable to control your excitement like us, we have a countdown set up counting down towards the next Season Premiere on July 16. Winter is finally here and Season 7 can’t come soon enough.