
Avengers 4 Plot Synopsis Appears

As the dust begins to settle on Avengers: Infinity War, the next movie hogging as much of a spotlight is Avengers 4. Despite being scheduled for release almost a year later in 2019, and not even the official title to go by, fans haven’t stopped cooking up theories about what the movie’s plot could entail. Now, a plot synopsis for Avengers 4 has made its way online courtesy a new issue of Licensing Global magazine. Without holding things back any further, here it is:

A culmination of 22 interconnected films the fourth installment of the Avengers saga will draw audiences to witness the turning point of this epic journey. Our beloved heroes will truly understand how fragile this reality is and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it.

The internet is going to be all in on this synopsis, dissecting every word to find hidden clues and connect the dots to what we know about the movie. Already, the synopsis seems to tease the time-travel / reality-altering events in Avengers 4 that set photos have often alluded to. What’s interesting is the treatment of the movie as the culmination of everything that came before in the MCU and, while it’s easy to mistake that language as being similar to Infinity War‘s synopsis, that movie was the beginning of the culmination whereas this one is the true end. Regardless, Marvel might have a hard time selling ordinary movie-goers on another concluding story when they went in to watch Infinity War expecting just that.

What do you think of this plot outline? Does it induce in you goosebumps? Let us know your thoughts and theories in the comments below. Avengers 4 will be out in theaters on May 3, 2019.