Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres in less than 24 hours. Within the next day, we’ll be joining Daenerys as she sails towards Westeros to reclaim what she believes is rightfully hers – The Iron Throne. We’ll also see Jon Snow head towards the North to fight The Great War that lies ahead. And finally, we’ll see Cersei as we follow her mad ascent to power.
Anticipation for the new season is sky high, especially seeing as the last two episodes ended on a high note. Both the penultimate Battle of the Bastards and the finale The Winds of Winter were considered as simply among the best episodes Game of Thrones, or for that matter Television has ever seen. And just like the many great situations and conflicts witnessed in these two episodes, Game of Thrones is filled with moments that make fans gasp. While plot details about the Season are few and far between, set photo leaks last fall and the recently released trailers have helped fans speculate what they can hope to see this season.
We’re fans too and we love speculating as well. Without further ado, we list below, the seven moments we’re hoping to see in Game of Thrones Season 7.
Daenerys comes home
The set photos that surfaced last October showed the crew in Santiponce, Italica setting up what was speculated to be the Dragonpit. Theories started circulating that Daenerys would be arriving with her fleet in Dragonstone, which made sense seeing as she would truly be back home if that materialized. After the release of official stills and the title of the first episode, it seems all but confirmed that we’ll be seeing Daenerys return to her base to prepare for her quest to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms.

Daenerys touches base at Dragonstone
In Game of Thrones lore, The Dragonpit traditionally housed Targeryn dragons although it was destroyed during the Civil War, with the last of the four dragons also slain. It is a large tomb-like structure that now thus stands collapsed. The Khaleesi’s dragons Rhaegal, Viscerion and Drogon would finally able to take shelter at their home after having spent most of the previous Season airborne.
Characters crossing paths
The plot structure of Game of Thrones has meant that stories of several important characters have been running in parallel, with the characters often staying separated geographically. They then go on to meet new characters and continue to exist on the show in silos. With the end-game now nearing, these characters are all but certain to converge. And that gives us several potential first time meetups to be excited about.
The ones we’re looking forward to the most are those between King in the North Jon Snow, the Lannister Queen Cersei, and the Queen of the Andals Daenerys. Jon and Daenerys could seemingly meet at Dragonstone itself as the stills and set photos suggest, in which case they could meet as early as in the first two episodes, although what brings Jon to Dragonstone remains uncertain. Has he got wind of the dragons and intends to use the services of one of them to slay the Wight Walkers? A meet up between Cersei and Daenerys is sure to be explosive what with both being two strong women, willing to go almost at any ends to sit on the coveted Throne. We suspect this meetup might happen a little later though we can never be sure.
Some other permutations and combinations also seem exciting. Getting Tyrion back with Cersei, having Ser Davos interact with Missandei or even Tyrion are intriguing interactions to imagine. And knowing writers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss’ penchant for dialogue, we can expect some really interesting banter between these different pairs of people when they cross paths.
Highgarden / Casterly Rock
Now here be potential spoilers so if anyone isn’t in the mood for some spoilery speculation, kindly skip this section. We say potential because this is still speculation at this point – it may or may not happen.

Brienne and Podrick arrive at the Siege of Riverrun
According to reports, this Season is going to be particularly heavy on the action. As such, there are whispers that in a bid to strengthen their foothold, the Lannisters will invade the Tyrells’ headquarters in Highgarden. Likewise, Daenerys and her fleet would be looking to take Casterly Rock from the Lannisters (this was briefly hinted at in the Season 6 finale) so as to corner them from all sides in the event that they choose to escape when the actual battle unfolds in Kings Landing. Assuming these invasions won’t go as peacefully as last season’s siege of Riverrun, we can expect some fair bit of action here.
The Huge Action Set Piece
This one’s again a little spoilery although highly speculative so make of that what you will. Continuing from the aforementioned siege, there are murmurs that the Lannisters are going to amass a massive loot from Highgarden and, in their attempts to get it to Kings Landing will be ambushed by none other than the Targeryn fleet.

Daenerys rides Drogon and lays waste to the battlefield in Season 7
That’s right. Daenerys and her army would attack the Lannisters preventing them from fleeing with all the wealth. Since Jaimie leads the theft mission, this will probably be the first time Jaimie and Dany will come face to face. This is the same massive action sequence that we’ve been witness to in the trailers with the now humongous Drogon riding over the huge Dothraki army. The sequence was shot in Malpatrida back in December with shooting lasting three weeks (with additional shoots in the studio as well) and is perhaps Game of Thrones’ equivalent of the Battle of the Bastards that took place last season.
Now this would be us stretching things a bit further but perhaps Daenerys’ attack on her lover is what could compel Cersei to come out of her castle and pay Dany a visit herself, thus bringing these two women to face each other? Perhaps.
Bran’s Warging
Bran (Stark) has now fully accepted his role as the Three-Eyed Raven and is capable of Warging into several beings, learning key pieces of information. In fact every single time Bran warged in the last season, something significant happened – whether it was Hodor’s tragedy or the Walker King origins or Lyanna and Jon revelations. We’d like to see Bran warg a lot more and learn more about Jon’s theory and the Walker threat.

Bran was last seen left with Meera and both head towards the Wall in the North
For those unaware, the fan-folk have been theorizing that Jon is the son of Rhaeger Targeryn and Lyanna Stark – a fact that was all but confirmed in last season’s finale when a shot of Lyanna’s baby cut to Jon. However we’d like to see this expanded upon a bit more – what really happened with Rhaeger after all? And we’d also like to see Bran learn more about the Walker threat and how it can be stopped. Fun Speculating: What if both these are linked and, as per another fan theory, Rhaeger is actually the Walker King after all? Crazy, right?
The Great War
The Great War has been hinted at since the season’s beginnings. With the arrival of Winter (finally, Winter is Coming has changed to Winter is Here), the Great War with the Walkers will also need to be fought. While we expect most of it to be covered in Season 8 next year, a HardHome-esque taste of what is to come wouldn’t hurt so bad.
Jon is heard hinting in the trailers that the Great War is the real war that needs to be fought. Similar things have been heard from Ser Davos as well. What if, by some miraculous agreement, the war for the Iron Throne is kept aside and the warring Lannisters and Targeryns and other houses unite to fight the walker threat? Sounds too good to be true – and perhaps too noble to fit in the Game of Thrones universe.
Death & Dragons
No, we’re not sadists. But the prospect of a major character death or two is tantalizing. And seeing as nearly all characters left are significant in some way, any death in Season 7 is bound to have consequences. Whether it’s Grey Worm or Podrick or Ser Davos or Theon, every body that rests in peace is going to count.

The Battle for the Iron Throne
We also can’t wait to see more of the Dragons given how much they’ve grown up. Their destructive capabilities have already been witnessed on multiple occasions in the past but seeing Daenerys make more strategic use of them should be exciting. Also, with the show getting more budget per episode, we expect to see the Dragons pop up more often in Season 7.
Bonus: CleganeBowl
The internet has been clamoring for it and so do we. A fight between the brothers Sandor Clegane and Gregor Clegane would be a fight for the ages. While Game of Thrones hasn’t been particularly known for outright putting in what fans want, maybe they could come up with a narrative to have the Clegane brothers fight each other.
That’s it from Appocalypse. Which of these moments are you anticipating the most? Or do you have your own list? Are there any theories in particular you’re hoping to see come true other than the ones discussed? Let us know in the comments below.
Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres July 16, 2017 on HBO at 9:00 PM PT. Check out HBO’s series recap trailer to relive key moments from the series here.